Introducing dubsee in the video player

Demo Summary


dubsee is a video caption feedback system designed to improve the accuracy of captions on video content. The founder of dubsee, Leon, explains in a video demo that the system allows viewers to report any errors in captions and propose solutions for fixing them.

The Problem

Leon notes that auto-generated captions are around 85% to 90% accurate, which is well below the 99%+ accuracy needed to ensure accessibility compliance, general watchability, and viewer satisfaction.

The Solution

dubsee in the video player is a built-in feedback system where viewers improve captions while they watch by easily contributing feedback to increase the accuracy of captions, so that all viewers can watch and enjoy the most accurate captions possible. At the same time, the feedback and voting system ensures only valid feedback gets published, preventing from malicious user activity like trolling, bots, and spam.

This system is beneficial for content platforms and creators, as it increases accessibility compliance and watchability, leading to higher viewer retention and engagement. Transcription services also benefit from access to real-world feedback data on a wide range of content, helping them to further improve their services.

For all viewers, dubsee ensures that captions are as accurate as possible, making content more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. The viewers who contribute feedback to the system benefit from the satisfaction of improving the content they love. In the future, they may also receive credits and rewards for their contributions.

The Demo

To illustrate how dubsee works, Leon demonstrates a few iconic film quotes that were incorrectly auto-captioned by real transcription services. For example, Buzz Lightyear's famous quote from Toy Story, "To infinity and beyond," was incorrectly transcribed as "Who? Infiniti and beyond?". Leon shows how viewers can use dubsee to correct captions like this while they watch.

In the demo, viewers can see the screen divided into two parts: on the left, the viewer feedback system, and on the right, the feedback log, which shows all the feedback received. Viewers can give feedback in three ways: flags, changes, and votes. A flag is when a viewer marks a caption as an error. A change is when a viewer proposes an alternative to the caption, and viewers can vote for the best proposal. dubsee's feedback system is built into the video player, making it easy to use for viewers who want to contribute while remaining completely hidden for those who only want to watch.


dubsee is an innovative video caption feedback system that allows viewers to report errors in captions, propose solutions, and vote on the best solutions. The system is easy to use, built into the video player, and benefits everyone involved in the video content creation process. The system ensures that captions are as accurate as possible, making content more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

With dubsee, everyone can enjoy the most accurate captions on the most videos at the lowest possible cost.

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